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Lou Chaohua

        LOU Chaohua, M.D,Senior Researcher and Doctoral supervisor,Team leader of research on sexuality, gender and reproductive health.
        Dr. Lou Chaohua graduated from Shanghai Medical University, where she earned her Master’s Degree of Medicine in 1989. In 1996, she completed postdoctoral training at the School of Hygiene and Public Health, Johns Hopkins University. She is engaged in social science and epidemiological research on reproductive health, focusing on adolescents and unmarried young people. She has participated more than 30 research projects supported by HRP/WHO, Ford Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Institute of Johns Hopkins University, CFPA/PATH, SPFPC/UNFPA, and Welcome Trust etc., being a principle investigator or a responsible person for more than 20 of them. She has published 180 research papers in Chinese and international peer-reviewed journals based on the results of these projects, and co-edited/translated 6 books.
        Her research team has engaged in studies on adolescent sexual and reproductive health for two decades. They conducted the studies on the status of adolescents’ and unmarried young people’s sexual and reproductive health (incl. knowledge, attitudes, sexual experiences, contraceptive use, unwanted pregnancy and induced abortion etc.) among different sub-groups, and their needs on sex education and reproductive health services; studies on the attitudes of adults (incl. police-makers, family planning staff, educators and parents etc.) towards providing sex education and reproductive health services to adolescents and the unmarried youth and their suggestions on the education and services; studies on the intervention of sex education and reproductive health services in school, family, community and the Internet etc. and the effect of the intervention, and assessment of quality of sexual behavior survey data etc. More recently, Dr Lou is conducting studies on non-consensual sex of young people, decision-making process related to abortion and abortion care among unmarried youths, sexuality and reproductive health development of youth, and well-being of adolescents in vulnerable environments etc.

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