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Xie Lu



Lu Xie, Ph.D, M.D, Professor, Principal Investigator of Bioinformatics Platform, Shanghai Institute for Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Technologies. She was the Vice Director of Shanghai Center for Bioinformation Technology for almost 10 years. She got her M.D. and Ph.D. degrees from Xiang-Ya Medical School of Central South University, China during 1985-2000. She did postdoctoral research in Vanderbilt University, USA, during 2000-2005. She joined Shanghai Center for Bioinformation Technology in August 2005. 
She has been leading multiple national and local key research projects for many years. Her work fields include omics data analyses and integration; tumor immunotherapy; clinical disease modeling and decision making. She is also devoted in constructing bioinformatics platforms for precision medicine, and in training Bioinformatics graduate students. 
Research: Protein function studies used to cover protein location, quantitation, post-translational modification and protein-protein interaction, now mainly focus on functional network construction, annotation and integrative analyses. Translational medicine research used to focus on biomarker selection and clinical modeling, now extended to drug repositioning and network medicine. The ultimate goal is to analyze multiple –omics data and clinical data by means of bioinformatics strategy, in order to provide theoretical base and software tools for clinical translation. 
Service: Data analyses for genomics, transcriptomics, epigenetics sequencing; clinical modeling for prognosis or treatment outcome; signaling pathway or functional network analysis; database construction; integrative analysis for multiple –omics data. 
Software: We provide database and analysis tools for tumor neoantigen, multiple omics data, post-translational modification, cancer differential proteins, phosphorylation mediated signaling network, prognostic molecules and online prognostic modeling, such as: dbPepNeo: tumor neoantigen peptides; Ineo-Epp: tumor neoantigen immunogenicity prediction; ProGeo-Neo: proteogenomics workflow for neoantigen prediction; OmicsBean-Cancer: cancer multi-omics data analysis and visualization; dbPHCC: prognosis markers and modeling for hepatocellular carcinoma; ShanghaiScore: prognosis and decision making assistance tool for post-surgical patients of hepatocellular carcinoma; dbDEPC3.0: tumor differentially expressed protein biomarkers; SysPTM2.0: comprehensive annotation database for protein post-translational database.
Personal  publication  website: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lu-Xie-9

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