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Yuan Wei



       Yuan Wei, born in December 1966, is a doctor& researcher, doctoral tutor of epidemiology at Fudan University, and deputy director of Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research. He obtained a bachelor of medicine in Shanghai Medical University (now Fudan University) in 1991, a master's degree in health statistics in Shanghai Medical University (now Fudan University) in 1994, and a doctorate of epidemiology in Aarhus University in Denmark in 2001. In 2007, the project of“ quality services and informed choices of contraception and birth control”won the excellent prize of the fourth China population science award. In 2011, he won the second prizeof“excellent scientific and technological achievements of great contribution to the scientific and technological progress of population and family planning during the eleventh five-year plan period”with the project of“comprehensive evaluation and research on the methods of contraception and birth control”. In 2013, he won the first prize of Shanghai municipal teaching achievement award. In 2015, he was awarded the title of“Shanghai leading talent”by the Organization Department of CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee and Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. In 2018, he enjoys special government allowance launched by the State Council.
       He mainly engages in reproductive and epidemiology research. The research direction mainly includes research on environmental and human reproduction,  perinatal&infant health and the safety and efficacy of technology related to family planning. He chaired or participated in several researches on Research on the effects of bisphenol A exposure on human reproductive function (NIH) , A basic research on the incidence,  development and intervention of congenital heart disease (Ministry of Science and Technology, 973), Research on the pathogenetic mechanism, diagnosis and treatment of andropause hypogonadism and related diseases in male (Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission, major basic research), Comprehensive evaluation research of contraception and birth control methods (The supporting plan in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan), Multidisciplinary approaches to reproductive health in global health context (NIH), Research on biological,  psychological and social risk factors affecting perinatal mortality (Multi-center study of South-South cooperation) and many other studies. He published more than 180 research papers, of which more than90 published in international journals. He won the fourth China Population Science Outstanding Achievement Award. The main social academic concurrent post includes: Committee of the Shanghai Family Planning Association, member of the Shanghai Population Institute, committee Member of Public Health degree Assessment Committee at Fudan University, member of Ethics Committee at School of Public Health of Fudan University, associate editor-in-chief of Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health, editorial board member of Chinese Journal Reproductive and Contraception, and editorial board member of Asian Journal of Andrology.


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