Wang Lixi, graduating from Department of Biology of East China Normal University in June 1982. After graduation, she worked on reproductive inheritance in Genetics Laboratory of Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research (SIPPR) and began to be engaged in editorship for Journal of Reproduction and Contraception in 1987. In this period, she also studied in Technical Writing specialty of the Department of Philosophy, Huazhong University of Science and Technology where she acquired a Master’s Degree in Philosophy. In 1989, the Journal of Reproduction and Contraception was founded jointly with her colleagues. Now, she holds the office of associate editor of the Chinese Journal of Reproduction and Contraception and the Director of the Editorial Department. In addition, she is also a member of the Committee of Medical Periodicals of China Editology Society for Science Periodicals (CESSP) and a member of the Shanghai Society for Scientific & Technical Periodicals, etc..